Project Description

This is a common strand that runs through all Mehergarh programs, whether it is youth leadership or campaign against bonded labor or even the implementation of sexual harassment legislation; informing people of their rights and responsibilities; the power that the system gives to the people and how to use that power. The Program entails events, trainings and campaigns as the democratic system of our country faces various challenges. This can include supporting certain reforms or resisting other regressive decisions of the Government. Supporting the devolution and the 18th amendment of our constitution is one example and developing strategies to counter militant ideologies is another. In addition, developing an understanding of a Parliamentary system and for the citizens to become responsible, active, and engaged remains the objective of this area of initiatives.
Under this program various advocacy campaigns are developed. This is a flexible arena where Mehergarh can respond to the current socio-political situation and provide a platform for citizens, specifically youth, to act together for a free and open society.